This city will include 32 casinos set in 16 different historical themes with their own museums, 70 hotels, 5 theme parks, three golf courses, a racecourse, lots of restaurants, around 250 shops and, maybe, even a bullring!!!
It's not clear if this city will include a town with 100,000 inhabitants or if there will only be homes for the employees. Anyway, IDL said 65,000 direct employees will be needed in 2022, when they think the city will be finished. Whe should add up around 135,000 indirect jobs to this number.
This huge project will need a 17,000 million euro total investment and I don't really know if it will be finally built. But, if it is, it will become the 2nd most important gambling destination after Las Begas and the most important destination in Spain, with around 25 million expected visitors per year.
James Wilkinson
Crazy project, or not? I saw Las Vegas when I was living in the States and it was quite special, I warn you!
-But anybody thought it WOULD be built until
- IDL started the BUYING of the lands they needED to place Gran Scala.
-direct employees will be needED...
-gamBLing destination AFTER Las Vegas
I agree with you... I wouldn't live in Las Vegas! But if it creates thousands of jobs...
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