Since I started my studies at the university, I've hesitated to go abroad to finish my studies or not. When everything pointed to my stay in Barcelona, I decided to take the plunge: next year I will study at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm). I've no idea of Swedish, but the courses are given in English and it seems that Swedes speak really good this language. So, I hope I'll improve my English once and for all. I'm scared of leaving everybody here for a year, but I think "everything's gonna be alright".
I'm sure your big plunge will be an exciting one.
The Swedes are a great bunch.
Didn't know they offered classes in English there.
Speaking of improving your English - remember that the doors here across the pond are open to you for a short or long term stay/visit.
Across the big pond
It seems that most universities in the north of Europe offer a great number of classes (specially in the last years of the different studies) in English.
I think there aren't many people who speak Swedish and otherwise there weren't people in the international exchange program (I'll take a Swedish course in August but I don't expect to speak it).
I'm really gratefull for your offer: no doubt I'll turn up there soon. But... what about your visit? Will you finally come this summer?
I'm sure it'll be a great experience!
I wish you good luck!
I'm working on it - have a few loose ends that I need to tie up first.
When you leaving for "The Land of the Midnight Sun"?
Actually, I don't really know. The Swedish course is starting on August 1, then I suppose I will leave on July 31 (maybe on July 30) but I haven't made up my mind yet.
PD: hehe, or "The Land of the Midday Moon"
The party is over... many people wondered...
Yes, time to reveal, I guess.
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